Over the past week or so, I've been focusing my in-game energy on achievements. Loremaster, in particular, has been my goal, with a few straggling achievements I hadn't captured before on the way.
As someone who is a bit of a completionist, and also faintly bored with activities in Northrend at the moment, I rather adore achievements. In addition, one of my major goals before the release of Cataclysm was to finish off my Loremaster achievement, since I expect some of these quests will disappear, and this is a good way to make sure I get to see much of the lore and many of the zones before any incoming changes.
On the way, I'm finding new things I want to collect, in addition to experiencing content in a new way. I always hated old world dungeons, mostly because I always wound up lost. Now, however, having run Scholomance 18 bajillion times and Stratholme 16 million, I'm finally getting the hang of them. I even have a rough idea of how to get around Dire Maul. I'm getting lots of great blogging fodder, let me tell you.
For instance:
Have you met Azuregos?Now, I don't really mean to be a jerk, but when I spotted the member of the blue dragonflight wandering around Azshara (with his spirit form following closely behind), I thought to myself that he must be pretty bored and out of shape. And then I thought of the hateful Oculus and Malygos-Mc-Jerkface, both wretched relics of the blue dragonflight, and I decided right then and there that I was gonna pwn this noob.
Well. Let's just say that
the noob was pwned, but
the pwned noob was not a member of any dragonflight. Hmph.
After the walk of shame back to my corpse and my following resurrection, I noticed a strange debuff. Something along the lines of
Mark of Frost. "Whatever," thought I, "I learned my lesson."
Apparently i didn't, though, because not long after returning to my body, I heard the sounds of another battle with Azuregos from a party of strangers. Wanting to lend my aid in any way possible, I ventured forth towards the dragon.... and
immediately froze in place.
Hilarious consequences ensued.

Yeah. That's me in the middle. Frozen solid in the middle of the air.

He's not really very conversational once battle begins, for the record. (And before anyone asks, yes, this is my raiding UI - I was too lazy to set it up properly for non-raiding stuffs)

The party beating the crap out of Azuregos did not really find my situation all that sympathetic. In fact, they were kinda jerks. Oh, also, they thought I was male which really irritated me. Also, please note my waning health. Also, please ignore my annoying guildmate who keeps beating me to the awesome achievements.
The party of strangers defeated Azuregos after a few minutes, and seconds later my debuff faded, releasing me from my icy prison. As it turns out, the group was not in a party, as the individual who first struck the dragon taunted them by the fact that he got to take all the EPIC LOOTZ.
I congratulated him on his many new level 60 epics, assuring him they would be very useful at level 80. The best part was when he starting jumping up and down in glee, insisting that
Shadowmourne had dropped, apparently assuming that since no one else could see the loot, we would all be devastated and jealous of his treasure. I found that particularly hilarious, and after quickly dispatching a wandering elite giant nearby (so that I could feel better about myself), I left the remains to the dragon-killing strangers who were bickering about hunter loot.
When I joked about how fundamentally useless most of the loot was to a level 80, the warrior who had won all the loot asked angrily "Well then why the hell were you bothering to try and kill him, hunh?"
And this struck me as pretty sad. We talk a lot about loot, and gearscore, and I give lots of advice, and get just as excited as the next person when I great upgrade drops... but it's never really been about loot for me. Sometimes it's fun to collect things (I'm currently expanding my dwarf's wardrobe with fun old world sets), but
if the only joy you get out of killing a dragon is from the treasure that remains after his death, you are entirely missing the point of why people spend so much time playing this game.
There's a YouTube video showing what happens when Azuregos is kited all the way back to Orgrimmar. Let's just say it was a bad day for the bank alts.
I'd bypassed most of Netherstorm to migrate to Northrend, so I found it interesting that I discovered not only Azuregos' spirit kind of talkative, but also another member of the Blue Dragonflight as a quest giver in Netherstorm. Just goes to show that not all of the Blue Dragonflight was whacked in the head.
Methinks the people you ran into were way into the 'cool lootz dude' routine, missing the entire point about the game.
The chill is so people can't graveyard zerg him.
But if you're going for Loremaster, it's not enough to just kill him. You must talk to him. Hear the tale of the fish. Oh yes, such a funny story, that fish. Start the AQ gates chain, it's awesome! And the dungeon 2 upgrade. More fun too! Now I have to write about this...
"...but it's never really been about loot for me. Sometimes it's fun to collect things (I'm currently expanding my dwarf's wardrobe with fun old world sets), but if the only joy you get out of killing a dragon is from the treasure that remains after his death, you are entirely missing the point of why people spend so much time playing this game."
This is how i feel. I've pretty much always passed on loot till anyone that would need it for their main spec has it an it defaults to me for main spec. For me the motivation to doing raids or anything requiring a group has always been the kill. If the boss didn't drop any loot? I wouldn't care. i would stil want to fight him. That's why i'm annoyed with how VoA has gone. Nobody does more than 2 bosses if your lucky (atleast in pugs) because the others don't drop the best gear available.