I follow a lot of healing blogs. I mean, a lot. Big or small, I’ll add most any healing blog to my feeder to at least give it a shot. If you’re wondering what my resources are for pointing out goings-on in the healer blogosphere (especially if you’re wondering if I’ve missed something), here is my full healer specific blogroll.
I don’t limit my list of resources due to popularity, size of readership, or any politics. I don’t care if the writer bashed me in a post that one time, or if they are smelly and a big jerky mcjerkface. If people post something I don’t like, or I’m not interested in… well then. I just don’t read that post.
The purpose of this list is to keep me up to date with what healers are saying in the blogosphere – from the small bloggers to the big ones. I don’t care if you only have 2 subscribers, and I’m one of them. If you post something that is good, I want to know.
This is a direct list from my feed-reader. If you know of a healy blog that is not on this list, please let me know so I can add them to my personal feed-reader. (comment or email: missmedicina at gmail dot com)
If you go through these links, you may find there are bloggers who have stated they are closing up shop. If the blog is still open, I am going to keep it on this list until after Cataclysm's release, because until the massive overhauls to our world and our classes, there may still be lots of relevant information on their blogs. Also, a lot of bloggers and players choose to find other things to do during the pre-expansion doldrums, so some may come back to the blogosphere.
If, however, you click on a link and it is broken, please let me know.
Multiple Class Healing Coverage
ETA: Last updated September 1st, 2010.
I will continue to keep this list updated (though I'm slow), so feel free to leave comments with suggestions :)
I don’t limit my list of resources due to popularity, size of readership, or any politics. I don’t care if the writer bashed me in a post that one time, or if they are smelly and a big jerky mcjerkface. If people post something I don’t like, or I’m not interested in… well then. I just don’t read that post.
The purpose of this list is to keep me up to date with what healers are saying in the blogosphere – from the small bloggers to the big ones. I don’t care if you only have 2 subscribers, and I’m one of them. If you post something that is good, I want to know.
This is a direct list from my feed-reader. If you know of a healy blog that is not on this list, please let me know so I can add them to my personal feed-reader. (comment or email: missmedicina at gmail dot com)
If you go through these links, you may find there are bloggers who have stated they are closing up shop. If the blog is still open, I am going to keep it on this list until after Cataclysm's release, because until the massive overhauls to our world and our classes, there may still be lots of relevant information on their blogs. Also, a lot of bloggers and players choose to find other things to do during the pre-expansion doldrums, so some may come back to the blogosphere.
If, however, you click on a link and it is broken, please let me know.
- 4 Haelz (closing)
- A Bear in the Trees
- Cannot be Tamed
- Cow and Bones
- Dreambound
- Druid Main
- Falling Leaves and Wings
- Gray Matter
- HoTs & DoTs
- Leaf-head
- Leafshine: Lust for Flower
- Light & Leafy (6 months+ no post)
- Nerf this Druid
- Orcish Army Knife
- Rejuvo (6 months+ no post)
- Restokin
- Restoration Druid
- Revive and Rejuvenate
- Rolling HoTs (3 months+ no post)
- Swiftmend
- The Stories of O
- The View Through the Branches
- Through the Eyes of a Tree
- Tree Bark Jacket
- Tree Burglar (6 months+ no post)
- Tree Haelz
- Tree of Life
- A Healadin's Tear
- A Touch of Arcane
- Blessing of Kings
- bubblespec
- DI the Tank (3+ months no post)
- Divine Plea
- Flash of Sadysm
- Holy Powah (also about priests)
- Holy Shock
- Holypaladin.net (6+ months no post)
- I am a Paladin
- Illumination
- IndecentHealer (6+ months no post)
- Kurn's Corner
- Moar HPS!
- Non-Squishy Heals
- Parsley's Blog
- She's a Healadin (3+ months no post)
- The Bossy Pally and the Giant Spoon
- The Holy Light
- The Holy Paladin
- The Physician's Log (6+ months no post) (sad face)
- The V-Team (3+ months no post)
- (Un)holy Randomness
- Zabery
- An Absolutely Ordinary Priest
- BobTurkey's WoW Blog
- Desperate Prayer (6+ months no post)
- DiscoPriest (3+ months no post)
- Divine Aegis
- Ecclesiastical Discipline
- Flash Heal
- Guild Mum
- Healer Trek
- Holy Fire Spec
- Holy Nova
- Holyform (3+ months no post)
- I Like Bubbles
- "Priest" board on PlusHeal
- Miss Medicina (she's pretty annoying though)
- Pain Suppression (3+ months no post)
- Penance Priest
- Priest and Pilot (3+ months no post)
- Priest Punditry
- Priest with a Cause
- PW: Bubble
- Raging Monkeys
- Righteous Orbs
- Runcible Trout (6+ months no post)
- Save the Lightwell
- Shy at WoW
- Soul Warding
- Tales of a Priest
- The Angry Healers!
- The Impenitent Priest
- The Mediocre Priest
- The Munch Land (6+ months no post)
- The Wanted Priest
- Thoughts of a Discipline Priestess
- Type "H" for Heals
- Ancestral Knowledge (6+ months no post)
- Ankh = Life
- Blueberry Totem
- Borsked
- Flow
- Kattastrophes Happen
- Life in Group 5
- ShamWoW
- Tank 2 Heals
- The Buy More
- Totem Forest
- twenty-five boxes
Multiple Class Healing Coverage
ETA: Last updated September 1st, 2010.
I will continue to keep this list updated (though I'm slow), so feel free to leave comments with suggestions :)
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It makes me laugh that you posted me as a druid blog when my main is my holy priest.
<3 <3 <3
Not that I'm ever complaining about linkage.
Although I'm moving away from my healing spec, I've got some healing info up (and will probably continue to).
ha well, this is how all the blogs are listed in my feedreader. I have them split by class, so therefore if you write about more than one class, I generally just list the blog in whatever class alphabetically comes first. This is a direct copy and paste from my feedreader!
*goes to cry quietly in a corner because his blog is not listed by MM....*
I have a druid healy blog:
Jess, quite a few of these thinks are broken, just so you know. XD
@Miss Medicina
Well that makes sense. Still thank you again <3. I've been in such a crappy/sulky mood the last week or so, I'm terrified I'm going to come off as harsh or unappreciative.
Looks like The Suicidal Healer doesn't exist anymore :(.
Here are some extra paladin blogs you might want to add, because you clearly don't read enough healing blogs ;D.
A Touch of Arcane (http://atouchofarcane.blogspot.com)
DI the Tank
Kurn's Corner (http://kurn.apotheosis-now.com/)
The Holy Paladin (http://www.theholypaladin.com/)
Zabery (http://www.zabery.com/blog - he doesn't update often but when he does, its worth it)
Aw, you don't read mine? /sob
Granted, I haven't posted much about healing recently... :) But do drop in and say hi if you have the time :)
I feel pretty excited to be listed here amongst some of the best!
I also read She's a Healadin at
http://healadins.com/ but I think she is still getting started :)
Hey M, I ran into this one the other day. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Hey, I am running a priest blog based around playing in Iraq and putting up with latency, etc...
Same, my blog is all around random stuff, its not focus towards healing much. anyway good list to find who im going to read up easier.
Is this where I shamelessly self-promote my blog, Miss Medicina? Ah, yes, this looks like the place. Here goes:
Compared to the other classes, your Shaman healer list looks a bit sparse (not in content, but in number), so allow me to throw my hat in the ring. I promise it's the bestest blog you'll read . . . from a Resto shaman perspective. . .in a 10-man strict guild . . .that isn't Ancestral Knowledge.
Was that shameless enough?
Well damn. Several people who commented here are people whose blogs I *thought* I already followed. Hunh. That includes Mediocre Priest, Cannotbetamed, and R&R. Sorry guys >.<
@Kaethir - added, thanks!
@Codi - fixed! (I couldn't check my faillinking until after it had been posted, and I was AFK until much later in the day!
@Ophelie - Yeah I noticed that too. >.< Thank you so much for all the links, hurrah!
@Tar - added, thanks!
@Matticus - actually, I had started reading that site, but I'm still on the fence about it. Regardless, good call, and I'm adding them now.
@superwaddle - added, and incidentally, i left a comment request for you!
@Christine - Indeed, I have you in my google reader, just under a different category specifically for lots of guild management type stuff!
Well now, it's not shameless self-promotion if I specifically ASK for blog suggestions, now is it?! You are added!
Final note - A lot of the blogs suggested were ones I had been following for awhile, but stopped reading because I could not read the entire post from a feedreader. I read so many blogs that unfortunately if I can't read the entire post from my feedreader I tend to just skip it, telling myself I'll go back to it later... and then forgetting >.< If you don't show the entire post via feedreader, you might want to consider changing it - makes it a lot easier on your readers :)
Here's a few druid blogs that you seem to have missed:
Leafshine http://www.leafshine.net/
Nerf This Druid http://www.nerfthisdruid.com/
Rolling HOTS http://www.rollinghots.com/
Tree of Life http://keredria.blogspot.com/
I was really surprised to see some on my list that you didn't have.
Thanks for the link! :)
Shameless self-promotion....
After reading your blog, and numerous other posters, I became inspired to start my own. The main purpose is to cover some topics about priests, pallys, and the game in general as I observe them. My blogs are at holypowah.blogspot.com
Hopefully I can offer some interesting discussion.
Thanks :)
Since you asked, I have a healy blog you might want to add.
I'm at http://typehforheals.com
Probably best to put me down under Priest, since that's the class I generally raid with.
Added! Thanks :)
Hey Miss Medicina!
I just started a blog today, it's located at www.warsongpriest.com
It's a priest blog with a pvp perspective, if you don't mind adding me I'd greatly appreciate it! :)
Hey! I'm back!
-big puppy dog eyes-
Thanks for the mention. Also I try to not be too smelly ;)