Looking for a list linking everyone who has participated in the Questionnaire? Miss Medicina at your service!Ever since my introductory post over at
Blog Azeroth, I’ve been meeting quite a few new bloggers who are just loads of fun. Being the type that always likes to foster a sense of community, I thought it would be helpful and beneficial to start a little healing questionnaire going around the interwebs. I refuse to call it a meme.
There are plenty of larger websites where you can find all the healing info you might want in one place (a la
plusheal.com), but I’m enjoying following a lot of smaller bloggers as they express their thoughts on healing in this game. In an effort to get a little cross-promotion going amongst some of us smaller heal bloggers, and since I’d really like for all of us to become better connected, I thought this might be a good way to start that. It benefits every healer to understand the other healing classes better, and I think that by connecting us all together, we can accomplish that as well.
I mentioned this idea for a “circle of healing bloggers” to my fiancé, who responded “Oh. Like a webring?” No. Not at all like a we… okay exactly like a webring. Shut your face.
So here’s how it works.
Post this questionnaire, with your answers, on your blog. Pick the healing class you know most about (or is the focus of your blog) for the questionnaire, and then send it over to another healing blogger you know and love who heals with a DIFFERENT class. Include a link to the blogger who sent you the questionnaire, as well as a link to the blogger to whom you are sending it.
- What is the name, class, and spec of your primary healer? Jessabelle, Holy Priest (and occasional Disc!)
- What is your primary group healing environment? (i.e. raids, pvp, 5 mans) Almost always raiding, fairly evenly split between 10 mans and 25 mans.
- What is your favorite healing spell for your class and why? Circle of Healing, because it's instant, it's AoE, and it's smart! nomnomnom
- What healing spell do you use least for your class and why? Divine Hymn - I just can't seem to get myself to use it, or find a situation in which it would be useful!
- What do you feel is the biggest strength of your healing class and why? Flexibility and versatility. I can handle any healing task needed in a raid, and I can bounce back and forth between multiple healing assignments without a problem.
- What do you feel is the biggest weakness of your healing class and why? Lack of instant burst healing... I'm thinking Penance or even Holy Shock. I wish we had a single target instant burst heal, even if it were on a long cooldown. Something like desperate prayer, but for someone other than ourselves.
- In a 25 man raiding environment, what do you feel, in general, is the best healing assignment for you? Raid healing is best for me - and with that comes the assumption that I will lend a healing hand to any task that needs it, whether it be those stuck in pits or fires or even just some back up on the main tank. It gives me a lot of flexibility.
- What healing class do you enjoy healing with most and why? Probably Disc priests - when they are around, I never feel that I need to bother with bubbling. Also, what healer *doesn't* appreciate 3% reduced damage? I mean, aside from a really bored one, of course. Plus, Penance is really fun to watch.
- What healing class do you enjoy healing with least and why? Druids. Don't get me wrong, I think Druids and Priests play quite well together - we have Divine Spirit, which I'm sure they like, and they have Innervate which makes me drool with love, not to mention combat rezzing. It's just that it can be tricky to heal well with druid priests, because it is difficult to resist healing over their HoTs. I try not to do it whenever possible, because I don't want to waste their mana, but Circle of Healing does not take HoTs into account, and just heals whoever is at the lowest health within range anyway.
- What is your worst habit as a healer? Using my AoE heals when there are only one or two people who need heals! I'm especially bad about this with Circle of Healing.
- What is your biggest pet peeve in a group environment while healing? I really hate when people say "so and so needs heals!" over vent, unless it is a fight mechanic, or due to some error that person will need more healing than normal. Otherwise, I assure you, I am watching people's health bars more closely than anyone else who is not a healer - I don't need you to tell me who to heal, and if I did, well, then I think we have much bigger problems at hand, haven't we?
- Do you feel that your class/spec is well balanced with other healers for PvE healing? Absolutely. I personally don't there are any other healing classes as well balanced as priests. Others may have more pure healing output, but when it comes to overall balance and viability, Holy Priests have it made, IMO.
- What tools do you use to evaluate your own performance as a healer? First thing's first, I check to make sure no one is dead. That's the best indicator of healer skill! Secondly, I check my healing output against my overheal amount, and compare it to the other healers in my group. I have a basic idea of where I should fall on the healing meters, and if I'm far above or far below, that gives me an idea of how the healer balance is working out.
- What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about your healing class? People make the assumption that Holy Priests are only really good at AoE heals, or raid healing. Holy Priests are fantastic at raid healing, but it's not just because they have good AoE heals - it's also because they can react well to changing fight dynamics, and MT heal if needed. I cringe whenever I hear someone say "holy priests can't MT heal!". Of course we can - it's a waste of our abilities to put us primarily on MT if there is a disc priest or holy pally around, but we can still do a good job.
- What do you feel is the most difficult thing for new healers of your class to learn? First off, newer priests seem to have a hard time remembering to use Binding Heal, and it is really a great spell. I see a lot of new priests merely cast Flash Heal on themselves when they take damage, instead of Binding Heal to someone else who has also taken damage. Lack of use of Binding Heal is probably the biggest indicator of a fresh healing priest, but the biggest difficulty I think newer Holy Priests have is trying to figure out how to boost their mana regen. I see too many focus on Mp5, when Spirit or Intellect would actually benefit them more.
- If someone were to try to evaluate your performance as a healer via recount, what sort of patterns would they see (i.e. lots of overhealing, low healing output, etc)? Holy Priests tend to be somewhere in the middle on recount, though this can vary a lot depending on what happens during the raid, as they often switch assignments and duties effortlessly when needed. I am likely to fall below Holy Pallies and Druids in total amount healed, but above Resto Shammies and Disc Priests, and my Overhealing is somewhere in middle as well.
- Haste or Crit and why? I prefer balance overall. That having been said, I started by stacking enough crit to nearly ensure me that I will always get a Surge of Light from Prayer of Healing or Circle of Healing (You can never give yourself a 100% chance, but 20-25 is pretty good), after which I began to stack haste indefinitely.
- What healing class do you feel you understand least? Definitely Resto Shammies, and I am working very hard to amend that.
- What add-ons or macros do you use, if any, to aid you in healing? I use XPerl for unit frames, and Clique for healing. I also use Decursive as a separate mechanic for dispells and abolish disease. IRFAIL at macros.
- Do you strive primarily for balance between your healing stats, or do you stack some much higher than others, and why? My main goal, at this point, is balance. As i start to turn my focus more towards ten man raiding instead of 25 man raiding, I intend to begin stacking a bit more mana regen.
So, to start out this meme-that-I-refuse-to-call-a-meme, I'm going to tag multiple people!- Fuubaar over at Killing 'em Slowly who recently has begun raiding with a Disc priest, the loveable, Holy Novaing Abigora.
- Tamarind over at Righteous Orbs - yes, yes, he is also a Holy Priest, and I just broke my own rule, but it's my party and I'll do what I want to. Plus, he's a Belf in sissyrobes and I'm alliance, so it doesn't count. Shh.
- Zigi at Twenty-Five Boxes, who writes a fairly new (and so far, one of my favorites!) blog which includes info on Resto Shammies.
- Ophelie at The Bossy Pally and the Giant Spoon is a pretty amazing tank/healing pally blogger, and now that she's no longer in charge of policing PallyPower, maybe she'll have time to fill out the questionnaire-that-is-not-a-meme!
- Though I do read several Druid blogs, none of their writers have recently been communicating with me, nor do I know for sure whether any Druid healers even read my blog - with the exception of my friend Kelly who recently started writing over at Sheep It. She has multiple toons with whom she raids, and she has posted a bit about druids as well, since she used to heal a lot for us on her druid. So Kelly, feel like making a post about druid healing?
This is fantastic - and makes for interesting reading. I will certainly get it filled out and posted in the next couple of days ... and I'll also try to drag some druid healers into the game :)
I like the twist on the normal "tag another blogger" questionaire, by making us reach out to bloggers of a different class.
I filled out mine, and I tagged Kae from Dreambound!
Hi, i love the idea of this
not-meme and i'd realy like to participate...but i dont blog...so i decided to answer in your comment section :)
What is the name, class, and spec of your primary healer?
Kotakh, Resto Druid
What is your primary group healing environment? (i.e. raids, pvp, 5 mans)
Raids 10 and 25. Plus the daily.
What is your favorite healing spell for your class and why? Thats harder. Pretty much a toss between Rejuv and Wild Growth. But if i need to choose only 1 then..Wild Growth. Intelligent, instant AoE heal FTW.
What healing spell do you use least for your class and why? hmmm...i actually had to look the name up on the net lol... Healing Touch. Such a waste of a spell imo except for my oh shit button with Nature's swiftness :)
What do you feel is the biggest strength of your healing class and why?
Healing on the run baby and BRez of course. Flexibility is great too. We can raid heal, tank heal, blanket heal.
What do you feel is the biggest weakness of your healing class and why?
Honestly, i dont think we have any weakness right now. Lots of instant (Rejuv, Wild growth, Lifebloom), 2 "Oh shit" instant (Swiftmend, Nature Swiftness + Healing Touch), 1 middle of the road spell that leaves another HoT on the target (Regrowth) and a very powerful + fast cast spell (Nourish). We also have Tranquility which is ridiculously good in 5 man and prety nice in 10 man (but almost useless in 25 man).
In a 25 man raiding environment, what do you feel, in general, is the best healing assignment for you?
As our healing "assignement" leader would say (Amber from I like Bubble): Kotakh, you're the Raid Bitch and keep an eye on the tanks :)
What healing class do you enjoy healing with most and why?
Druids lol. The bigger the forest the better. As for other class, i'd go for disc priest as long as we have a shammy dps. If no shammy dps then i want a shammy healer. I just love those shammy totem :)
What healing class do you enjoy healing with least and why?
I like them all but if i had to choose one it'd be Pally. As to why...i dont know, they just seem to bring less to the group than the other class (but maybe i just have a bad opinion of them because of that 1 pally we have in the guild who has a really high opinion of himself)
What is your worst habit as a healer?
Throwing Wild Growth at people standing away from everyone else...waste of a good spell to say the least.
What is your biggest pet peeve in a group environment while healing? DPS standing in shit that hurt and expecting to be healed through it by the healers. Or dps not watching their threat and then QQing at the healer because they didnt receive a heal beofre dying. Our guild has a high % of those but fortunately we have an amazing healing group so dps dont die as often as they deserve.
Do you feel that your class/spec is well balanced with other healers for PvE healing?
I think we are a bit overpowered right now...but dont worry Blizz is nerfing us AGAIN come next patch.
What tools do you use to evaluate your own performance as a healer?
2 simple questions. Did the boss die? and Do i remember screwing up something during the fight? If the answers are yes and no then i did a good job.
What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about your healing class?
LOTS of people thinks that druid cant be tank healers. It is not true. We may not be as good as Pally or Disc priest but we can do it very well nonetheless.
What do you feel is the most difficult thing for new healers of your class to learn?
Hard to say. If Rejuv and Wild growth arent in your top 3 healing spell, you're doing it wrong. Casting nourish on target without any HoTs on them is not optimal. And if you're running OOM...go roll a Rogue or something ;)
If someone were to try to evaluate your performance as a healer via recount, what sort of patterns would they see (i.e. lots of overhealing, low healing output, etc)?
Top healing done of course lol. Unfortunately, Blizz change overheal in patch 3.2 to include overheal done bu HoTs so chances are good i'll be at the top of overheal too (unless we have specific Pally in our group lol)
Haste or Crit and why?
Spellpower FTW. I try to keep them balance.
What healing class do you feel you understand least?
Pally. I play a druid and a Resto shammy so i understand both of those class pretty well (tho i havent healed much with the shammy yet) and the guild have something like 23 Priest so i learned their healing style just by watching them in raid.
What add-ons or macros do you use, if any, to aid you in healing? Grid + Clique + DBM. Grid shows me EVERYTHING i need to know (health bar, poison, curse, debuff, in-range or not, timer of my all my HoTs, incoming heal on each player, etc) and i use a 5 button mouse so all my spell are linked to a mouse button in Clique.
Do you strive primarily for balance between your healing stats, or do you stack some much higher than others, and why?
Int and Spirit and great for Druids
Wow I sort of feel like Kotakh is my healing twin, I am surprised at how similar our feelings about druid healing is.
I posted it on my blog - although my blog isn't a healing one! ;)
I r DK, but my main alt is a resto shammy. I love her too!
Figured I'd post this here, too, since Zigi called me out as his tag :)
My Post Response
I gotta laugh, though, that I apparently picked Kotakh's healing leader for my own tag!!
Okiedokies I'm totally going to post this on my blog. However, I dunno many healers and I saw that Paolo my priest "daddy" was already sorta tagged. So...anyways, if anybody's curious, I should have my answered questionaire up tonight!
I filled out my own and have reading other answers. Now I'm feeling even MORE like a snob. LOL My poor self-esteem... :P
At Tam's nudging, I went ahead and tossed up my response as well!
Very cool idea =)
What is the name, class, and spec of your primary healer?
Trillien, Holy priest
What is your primary group healing environment? (i.e. raids, pvp, 5 mans)
10 man raiding, occasionally 25 mans, lots of duoing with hubby's tankadin
What is your favorite healing spell for your class and why?
PoM-the instant flash-heal that keeps on giving
What healing spell do you use least for your class and why?
Holy nova-there's just few situations where everyone is grouped tightly enough for it to matter
What do you feel is the biggest weakness of your healing class and why?
Lack of utility/niche in 10 man hardmodes
In a 25 man raiding environment, what do you feel, in general, is the best healing assignment for you?
Raid healing
What healing class do you enjoy healing with most and why?
Actually I like them all. Maybe it's just coincidence, but some of the hardest 2-healing jobs I've done, I've done with a druid and we did fine.
What healing class do you enjoy healing with least and why?
Since I love them all, I'm going to pick on disc priests, simply because I want to smack myself every time I bubble someone.
What is your worst habit as a healer?
Tunnel vision. It's easy to watch everyone but yourself and have to rush out of the fire.
What is your biggest pet peeve in a group environment while healing?
"We need big heals!" Always said during a crisis when I don't have time to cast a big clunky spell. I strongly prefer flash heal.
Do you feel that your class/spec is well balanced with other healers for PvE healing?
What tools do you use to evaluate your own performance as a healer?
I check meters and overhealing, but mostly all that matters is did anyone die?
What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about your healing class?
Haven't really run into any problems with that. Maybe that we're always oom, which has not been the case for me in Wrath.
What do you feel is the most difficult thing for new healers of your class to learn?
Not sure, maybe when to use PoH. I've run with people who go oom in no time from spamming it. My rule is to only use it if 3 people need it, otherwise just use Flash.
If someone were to try to evaluate your performance as a healer via recount, what sort of patterns would they see (i.e. lots of overhealing, low healing output, etc)
I'm always mid-meters. I guess the notable thing is I'm using lots of the things in my toolbox.
Haste or Crit and why?
Crit up to the sweet spot of over 20%.
What healing class do you feel you understand least?
Paladins. I'm just not sure I could excel with such limited spells.
What add-ons or macros do you use, if any, to aid you in healing?
I use Healbot and Decursive.
Do you strive primarily for balance between your healing stats, or do you stack some much higher than others, and why?
I stack spellpower but use regen-y trinkets (Spark of Hope and Soul of the Dead until I get a Sif's or Solace) and it works out beautifully.
Like Kotakh, I dont have a healing blog, so I will copy her idea here and post about healing with a healadin:
What is the name, class, and spec of your primary healer?
Torradin, holy pally,
What is your primary healing enviroment?
Right now, still 5 mans,the occasional 10 man(pre 3.1 10 man), gearing up for uld 10 tho, cant wait for 3.3 and triumph emblem crazyness.
What is your favorite healing spell for your class and why? simple, Flash of Light, I know I know, pvp spell, but if used correctly ALL I have to cast is Flash and Holy Shock and keep beacon + sacred shield on the tank, and never drop under 60% mana, hehe.
What healing spell do you use least for your class and why?
it has got to be the uselessness of out main nuke heal, Holy Light, more like Holy S***, its mana cost negates it usefulness if I have to spam it, because it eats mana faster than a mana burn!
What do you feel is the biggest strength of your healing class and why?
Single target healing and NOT moving, patchwerk type encounter, I pick a spot, park it, dont move and spam heals on the tank and/or DPS and myself.
What is the biggest weakness of your healing class and why?
AoE damage across the group/raid, if eveyrone is tanking a large ammount of damage(think Loken's nova) then I can either heal everyone with Flash spam, and lose all 3 dps, or I can spam Holy Light, go oom in 30 sec, and we wipe. High movement fights are also painful for me, because if say I need to move out of the fire, and then heal ppl, the time I am not casting is time lost spamming Flash, meaning to heal everyone back up I need to use Holy Light....and will go oom faster.
In a 25 man raiding enviroment, what do you feel, in general, is the best healing assignment for you?
Hmmm, tahts a tough one, I tend to avoid 25 man raids due to computer trouble, a d/c'ed healer wouldnt be much use, but in a 10 man enviroment I try to pair myself with a healer class that is strong with HoTs(trees are GREAT) and have them keep HoTs on the raid an OT while I beacon MT and spam heals on the OT, essentailly keeping them both up at the same time, however this takes ALOT of cordination, and the HoT'er does about 60%+ of the healing to the OT, with most of my healing on the OT being overhealing.
What healing class do you enjoy healing with most and why?
Druids/Holy priests, to help with my MT+OT healing stratgey and to offset my limited toolbox of spell/abilites with their own, overflowing, toolboxes.
What class do you enjoy healing with the least and why?
I would have to say annother Healadin, because then I would have to beacon my tank, they beacon theirs and we would both share/compete with raid healing while heaing out tanks, in essence, make our jobs harder because we both would be looking for ppl to heal up with our heals, and conserve mana/use mana most wisely.
What is your worst habit as a healer?
*looks embarassed* macros, ok I said it, lol, I am a wiz with macros, I have macros to inform the raid who is the beacon, who is the target of the SShield, when I use Divine plea, when I use avenging wrath, everything, and Ive been told it drives ppl crazy....
Since our forums are private I'll post here what I posted on our forums.
* What is the name, class, and spec of your primary healer? Capella, Priest, Holy.
* What is your primary group healing environment? Mostly 25 mans with some Heroic 10 mans right now.
* What is your favorite healing spell for your class and why? I'm a renew whore. I played a druid healer for almost 2 years and the hot thing stuck. I stick to mostly instant cast with COH being my number two heal. I think of myself as a band-aid healer, a quick get in there and give them something before they die kind of healer.
* What healing spell do you use least for your class and why? Binding heal. I know a lot of priest rave about it but I don't see a big use for it. It seems a very situational heal when to heal myself. Just seems to over complicate things when I can just use coh or renew myself. I figure to much time is spent saying yeah that person needs a heal and so do I. I also suck and not using Pray of Healing. Seems like it takes to damn long to cast and by the time you do Shaman's chain healed took care of them.
* What do you feel is the biggest strength of your healing class and why? We are jack of all heals! We have some of the best strong aoe/group heals, a solid hot, and direct heals. We are the only true healing class in the game so we should be best healer. ;-)
* What do you feel is the biggest weakness of your healing class and why? We don't have a big oh shit heal. Pallies are the kings of big heals. Druids and shammy's have nature swiftness and healing touch/wave. We can do Guardian Spirit and then greater heal to do maybe 25k heal but that is very situational and you can't count on it.
* In a 25 man raiding environment, what do you feel, in general, is the best healing assignment for you? Raid healing. Typically a dps can get a renew and forget and let coh hit who it can. Keep renews on the tanks. COH when needed, keep POM up.
* What healing class do you enjoy healing with most and why? I like the priest or druid. Seem to have the right mix of heals for both 5 mans and raids. Can fill any situation if need be.
* What healing class do you enjoy healing with least and why? Pallies! No hots, no instants, no group heals... I would be lost.
* What is your worst habit as a healer? I try to take on to much. I figure I can heal my group, the tanks, and anyone else taking damage but I can't. :-(
* What is your biggest pet peeve in a group environment while healing? People who can't get out of the fire! ;-) Seriously, people who can avoid damage but don't. Seems like DPS is more important then moving. That or people who pay no attention where they are suppose to group and bitch they didn't get heals! Dude, you were on the other side of the frigging room!
* Do you feel that your class/spec is well balanced with other healers for PvE healing? Personally I almost think we are OP, but I like it! COH, best spell EVER!
* What tools do you use to evaluate your own performance as a healer? Real time I use recount but it is hard to get helpful information from it. Offline I use WorldOfLogs. It has a lot of helpful graphs and I can see who everyone was healing. Compare my healing break down to others and what not.
* What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about your healing class? People have misconceptions about priests?
* What do you feel is the most difficult thing for new healers of your class to learn? All the spells! Heck I don't even use all of them. Binding heal and prayer of healing are low priority heals for me. Learning the right time for the right spell can be rough.
* If someone were to try to evaluate your performance as a healer via recount, what sort of patterns would they see (i.e. lots of overhealing, low healing output, etc)? I'm a renew whore! That is usually my go to heal. I'm usually top in healing in the raid and my over healing is usually the lowest. From what I have seen is seems to be unusual for priests to be top healer in a raid.
* Haste or Crit and why? I had a crit build back early in wotlk but they nerfed surge of light. Now I try and keep a mix of both but with a little bit more on the haste side right now.
* What healing class do you feel you understand least? Pally since it is the only healing class I haven't played. Not sure what I would do without my instant casts. I even have a hard time on my shammy dealing with casting.
* What add-ons or macros do you use, if any, to aid you in healing? Grid! Can't live without it. I use GridSatusHots and GridStatusRaidDebuff. I use Smart Debuff for my decursing/dispell, I like the simple left click right click. I do the healing assignments so I use Healing Groups Sucks Continued for that, quick and easy to use.
* Do you strive primarily for balance between your healing stats, or do you stack some much higher than others, and why? I'm pretty balanced. Spellpower, int, spirit, haste, and crit right now. I know there were times where I stacked spirit and crit but right now it seems a balance is the best way to go.
Name/Class/Spec: Tiakatt, Holy Priest
Primary Environment: 5 man/10 man, occasional 25s or BGs
Favorite spell: Prayer of Mending! It only heals when needed, smooths out damage taken. Sure, it bounces to a useless target sometimes, but its CD isn't long and it's still usually my #1 or #2 spell for Effective Healing. That spell is a beast, and at low cost! As a raid healer, throwing this on the MT or OT every CD is amazing. This is followed very, very closely by Glyphed Guardian Spirit.
Least Used Spell: Holy Nova. I'll just CoH myself if I need to heal the ranged guys. If I'm needed for AoE damage, we have bigger problems...and probably need bigger heals than my Holy Nova provides. And it's SO expensive.
Biggest Strength: Versatility, definitely.
Weakness: Would like just a little more strength on Single Target healing. My single-target heals just don't seem to scale well at all with tank HP and larger hits as we progress, which can be an issue when healing a tank like DKs which take spikier damage due to their current design mechanics (even if the DK is good). I don't want to rival a Holy Pally or a Disc priest, but still.
Best Raid Assignment: Raid Healing, it's why I'm Holy. This eventual role appealed to me from the day I rolled my first toon - This one!
Favorite Class to Heal With: Trees, definitely! No PoM collision, and while I can clean up burst more easily than they can, they really smooth the damage out with those HoTs. I feel like we really complement eachother and make eachother's job easier.
Least Favorite Class to Heal With: Other Holy Priests. Aside from maybe a difference in preference for Renew vs Flash Heal, we pretty much heal the same way, our strengths lie in the same places - and so do our weaknesses.
Worst Habit: I used to be bad about using AoE when only one or two needed it, but not any more. I'm still fighting some with my impulse to heal everybody, all the time. I can do Triage, but I really hate it and feel guilty about it. I also tend not to let dps die, even for their own stupidity, unless a tank specifically tells me to -- though this applies more to 5-mans.
Biggest Pet Peeve: "I got zero heals, WTF Healers!!" screamed by some idiot DPS who did something stupid like stand in the fire, and actually took almost as much healing as the tanks!
Self-Evaluation: Is the boss dead? Did any of my raid members die for reasons other than Standing In the Fire levels of stupidity? Was it a Triage Decision - and could that decision have been avoided? Did a tank die because I didn't move to really assist the tank heals when I had the opportunity to? And my favorite: Did a DPS make a horrible mistake, or a tank make a beautifully bad pull...and get saved in a situation where he rightfully expected to die, with heals or not, and start kissing my feet?
Are we Balanced: Pretty well. Our flexibility counts for a ton. And as a bonus, priests have the option to spec for a completely different style of healing.
Misconceptions: I get very, very nervous when a RL insists on having me tank heal when there's a perfectly good Holy Pally in the raid. Yes, if the tank healer goes down, I'm ~on~ it...but please, please do not assign me to this from the outset, my Fheals are pathetic, Hasted Gheal is expensive and still somewhat slow, and I will probably OOM despite making good use of my efficient PoM. I am an effective emergency and backup MT healer, not a primary one. Honestly I think people mostly understand Holy Priests, though, it's our Disc brethren who have issues with other players not understanding their role and what makes them most effective (and why they should worship the ground at a good Disc's feet).
Hard things for Newbies: The spellbook in the early levels of the game is very very confusing as far as healing spells go, at least they were for ME. Wait...Lesser Heal and Heal, okay, I see the difference. Now I have Flash Heal and Greater Heal? And one of these spells heals for the same amount as one of the other spells but with a somewhat different cast time? How do I know when to use what?? Hey wait, I'm...not going to use those other two spells ever again? Why wasn't I told this, and in that case, why are they even in the game!!? Just give us stupid Flash and Greater from the beginning and make them weak at very low levels!
Recount Report: They'd see probably 45% overheal during intense fights, but not see me OOMing during encounters. They'd see that despite my Raid Healing duties, my largest amount of effective healing is generally on one of the Tanks (and most of that will be PoM). I would hope they would compare me to what they expect from a Holy Priest on Raid Healing duty in general - as opposed to other healing classes (with different tools, strengths, and quirks) and other roles.
Haste or Crit: #1 priority is enough Haste for a GCD of 1.3 seconds at least, followed by getting Holy Crit around 25%...followed by haste, haste, haste.
Class I understand least: Resto Shammies. There just...aren't many on Alliance. I've had very little opportunity to work with them, and to be frank, one of the most effective Shammy Healers I've even ever seen was an ELEMENTAL Shammy who started healing a raid mid-encounter, from his DPS spec...due to the other healer failing to Stay Out of the Fire.
Addons/Macros: Vanilla Raid Frames (I personally loathe Healbot), Decursive, a Macro to make Guardian Spirit forcibly cancel any spell currently casting or channelling, and I used to have a Macro that made PoM (almost) always fire at my Focus...but that macro broke recently and I don't know why. So I've been casting firing PoM at tanks manually.
Balance or Stacking: Generally prefer balance, though I run more Int than Spirit for mana longevity.
I am trying to keep my blog hunter-related to the best of my ability, thus, I'm answering here. Sorry for the commentspam =[ (Also, apparently I write so much that it needs to be in two parts =X)
What is the name, class, and spec of your primary healer?: Tamaryn, Resto Druid!
What is your primary group healing environment? (i.e. raids, pvp, 5 mans): I do all of them pretty evenly at the moment. I have to admit I'm a bit new to being a raiding healer though; I've always been a raiding hunter, but these past few months have seen my healer finally seeing some raiding love and now I'm healing both 10 and 25 man raids pretty much weekly.
What is your favorite healing spell for your class and why?: This will probably sound silly, but Lifebloom, because it's so unique. I like how you can "time" heals with it. Pity I don't get to use it very often these days.
What healing spell do you use least for your class and why? Tranquility, or Healing Touch (the latter exists solely to be used in a macro with Nature's Swiftness)
What do you feel is the biggest strength of your healing class and why?: Mobility, I can bounce up and down and run around in circles while still casting most of my heals. It makes stuff like Hodir, or the last boss in Nexus, an absolute joke.
What do you feel is the biggest weakness of your healing class and why? I'm actually finding it hard to think of a weakness right now, I feel like trees are kinda OP. Tank healing I guess, though I think we can do it, just not as easily as a paladin or something.
In a 25 man raiding environment, what do you feel, in general, is the best healing assignment for you? I usually am assigned "raid healing" but to be truthful I see the healing assignments as more of a guide than a set-in-stone "YOU'RE HEALING THIS," unless it's super vital. I'm gonna be putting HoTs on the tank(s) either way, and probably putting Rejuvs on everyone else. =P
What healing class do you enjoy healing with most and why? Paladins, cause HoTs + huge giant direct target heals = yummy!
What healing class do you enjoy healing with least and why? Other druids, cause coordinating HoTs is tough. Also they roll on my gear. ;o
What is your worst habit as a healer? Sometimes I get so caught up in staring at the raid frames that I think I forget to realize I'm standing in crap. Though usually I figure it out when I notice I'm healing myself an unusually high amount. x_x
What is your biggest pet peeve in a group environment while healing? This is 100% out of my control and is just a part of raid healing, but man, I hate when I get a huge crit Nourish or something off about a third of a second after a paladin just restored that person to full. >=|
Do you feel that your class/spec is well balanced with other healers for PvE healing? We're OP. Actually, I don't know if we are or not, but I certainly feel that way. (Not that I'm complaining, mind you /cough)
What tools do you use to evaluate your own performance as a healer?: If nobody died, it makes me feel better than any healing meter ever would. Despite the fact that sure, some fights have considerably less damage being tossed around than others, I still feel good.
I take a look at a lot of things on Recount, not just the Healing Done and Overheal, but things like dispels, active time, HoT uptime, that sort of thing. Though I am sort of still learning what it all means.
What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about your healing class? Tree Form is ugly when it's actually really cute!
...ahem, seriously, I think people underestimate my ability as a tank healer sometimes. I mean, I can understand that especially with a hard-hitting boss, it's a job I should pass to a better-equipped class, but I've had people spazz out about my tank-healing ability on an easy ten-man or something... it's fun to prove 'em wrong =P
What do you feel is the most difficult thing for new healers of your class to learn? I have two. 1.) Trust Your HoTs, and 2.) Anticipate Damage, Don't Wait For It to Happen.
If someone were to try to evaluate your performance as a healer via recount, what sort of patterns would they see (i.e. lots of overhealing, low healing output, etc)?: This is a bit of an interesting question for me because I'm in a special case right now where I actually find myself healing a lot of content that I am technically not geared for yet. By which I mean, I've still got three blues equipped and a bunch of Naxx10 epics and last night I did ToC25. (I really gotta give props to my guild for trusting me (and liking me!) enough to let me try this stuff out.) Anyways, because of that, I'm currently finding myself towards the bottom of "Healing Done" but really, this all depends on content and stuff.
I'm pretty consistent with overheal, I sit around 40%, sometimes spiking a bit higher. Yay HoTs!
Haste or Crit and why? Haste so I can jam my buttons faster. But watch this space if Blizz ever decides our HoTs can crit at some point.
What healing class do you feel you understand least? I was going to say shamans but the more I think about it, the more I honestly don't understand ANY other healing classes. I mean, priests have like fiftygazillion spells. So do druids, if I think about it, but gosh! I'd have no idea what to do if I started playing a priest. Or holy paladin, or resto shaman.
What add-ons or macros do you use, if any, to aid you in healing? I'm a nub and just use XPerl. I've gotten so used to healing with it that at this point I'm paranoid to try anything else, because I'm sure it'll make me fail.
Macros... I keep meaning to set up mouseover macros and keep not getting around to it. My healing style is just click on the person's raid frame and then hit the appropriate number on the keyboard, depending on the heal they need. It's probably not the best way to do things, but it works.
Do you strive primarily for balance between your healing stats, or do you stack some much higher than others, and why? At this point I have so much gear disparity going on with my druid that I'm just in the market for "an upgrade, any upgrade" in a lot of cases. So I don't look at it too much. Spellpower is the heaviest stat, obviously, though I have to admit I have this secret fetish for Spirit. I like Spirit. It gives me spellpower AND Mana Regen. <3
Sorry for the walloftext crit! Awesome idea for the questionnaire thing, it's been an interesting read!
My resto tree in pvp: http://dorkart.livejournal.com/88955.html
I loved the idea, and i wanted to be in!
Almaster from Lux legis.
Great idea! Here are my answers:
I've been tagged with this not-a-meme, so I will be posting my druidic thoughts at http://forreststump.blogspot.com.
@Pike: Rejuv CAN crit - if you have your 4-piece T9. I've been holding some of my Balance pieces aside to swap in +Crit in lieu of +Haste to see how it pans out.
so i decided to do this even though i don't usually blog about WoW... but since there seem to not be a lot of shaman responses i wanted to put in my own opinion too... here's my answers:
This is a great one because now I have a bunch of healy bloggers to follow!
Thanks for coming up with this! I left my responses on my blog.
I can't reach out to many people just yet because I'm new to the blogging community (/wave). First off, thanks to Jessabelle for a pretty fantastic blog and a really interesting mem....I mean questionnaire...
My answers are at lightandleafy.blogspot.com
*hugs to the healers*
I've replied over on my blog. Thanks for doing this!
I loved this survey! I totally did it on my blog as well :D
I liked the project and got tagged, so I'm into it too now and posted the answers on my blog.
Thanks for the great idea :)
I loved reading the answers and having another excuse to think about not only healing in general but how I heal.
I put my answers in my blog, Wild Growth. Thanks for starting this!
Haha awesome survey, thanks for making something like this up! I have a new blog set up, based off of healing as a druid, and hope you check it out, I posted my survey on my page http://innoue.wordpress.com/ and maybe you can gleam some insight on us druids ;P Thanks again for such a neet idea!
Nice reading I did mine in my new blog so check it out
I took your survey too!
Answering the questions really made me think about how I interact with other classes. Thanks!
I am a former end-game Hunter player. I have just finished leveling and begun gearing up a Dwarf Priest. I chose Dwarf when I rolled the character a few months before TBC came out because of Fear Ward.
Transitioning from a Hunter to a Priest is proving to be more complex and more rewarding than I ever imagined. I have always prided myself on situational awareness and my ability to maximize all of the capabilities of the Hunter class, but the SA required and mastery of so many dynamics to play an effective healer is still amazing to me.
My Priest will be my main going into Cataclysm. I have every intention of being the best Priest player I can be and I understand that the only way I can do that is by interacting as much as possible with those who have been doing this for years.
~Druckinfunk - Khaz Modan
I finally got around to doing the questionnaire. You can find it here: http://elemental-healing.blogspot.com/2010/02/healing-questionaire.html
Seems to be the best article on healing.. The other websites you have provided are great..thanks for sharing. hope you post this link in social media sites..thanks
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i like your idea to raise awareness. I'm a big fan of alternative healing and i think america does not give it nearly as much credit as it deserves. Often times i find it far more effective than western medicine
I don't think they give Alternative medicine a chanse at all..but the majority of drugs formulas are taken from natural stuff. So there is no need to say we can give altermed a call and a chanse to live!