The past couple of weeks
have been a bit light on healer specific posts, mainly because we've all been wrapped up in <Single Abstract Noun> fun, so I skipped my "Best of the Healing World" post last week, and am combining the past two weeks into this single post.
Let the healing begin!
- Nim provides an overview of all the different glyphs a resto shaman might choose.
- Rahana gives detailed tips for resto shammies healing Forge of Souls.
- There's just so much good stuff going on at Flow, but over in SAN, I've been listening to Wugan as he tries out this leveling-as-resto experiment while I try to level a shammy as well, so I find this series particularly interesting.
All healers: Powered by ScribeFire.
Thanks so much for the linkage! <3
I really need to start putting out content that is actually useful... /facepalm
Thank you very much for the shout out.