Best of the Healing World: Feb 26th
I realized this week, as I started counting, that I read about 75 different healing blogs, which encompasses more than half of my WoW reading experience. Instead of making a post every day to inform you of some of the best coming from the healing realm of the blogosphere (and from many blogs that you may not have even heard of), I will sift through it all for you and try to provide links to the best of the week on Fridays.

Hopefully you can discover a lot of great healing blogs this way!

If I tried to link every post I found interesting, the list would never end - so I'm trying to limit it to posts that can give you tips and interesting insight into a specific healing class, or sometimes healing philosophy in general.





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4 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    ah shucks I was hoping you'd seen my shammy blog...well next time. These are great blogs lots to learn here thanks for sharing them with us :D

  2. @kat

    Yours has been added to the Circle of Healers post. These Friday posts have a different intent - it's not about providing a link to all 75 healing blogs I follow :)

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks for the post <3 I found some great articles I hadn't looked at yet! I need to get get back to a healing post for my own. AND do the blogging elder thing...*grumbles*

    Anyways.... *waves*

  4. Ophelie Says:

    Thanks for the link love!

    Hmm, some of those seems really interesting. I should read about non-pally stuff sometimes.

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