So I just took down Toravon (the new VoA loot/badge pinata) on ten man, and it was very simple. If you haven't seen the new boss yet, here are a couple of pointers before you pug...

Here's the Overview from WoWhead...

Toravon, much like the other bosses here, is mostly a DPS race while managing to kill his adds.

Occasionally Toravon will apply a stacking debuff to the tank which deals damage over time and also snares him. You will want to have a second tank to switch off with back and forth to deal with the debuff.

Every so often a tiny ring will appear on the floor, you must move away as adds will spawn that deal AoE frost damage. These adds must also be killed as quickly as possible.

Each wave of adds that spawns Toravon will cast Whiteout which will apply a stacking debuff that increases frost damage to the player by 25%. This acts as a soft enrage timer much like Koralon the Flame Watcher's stacking damage buff.

Tank Damage:

  • There is a tank swap here, so keep an eye on whomever Toravon is currently targetting. He applies a stacking DoT debuff called Frostbite, so HoTs and shields (Rapture nomnom) are great.
  • Once Toravon swaps tanks, the other tank will continue to take damage from Frostbite. Keep the non-tanker HoTted so that he or she doesn't die off while the other tank is doing their job!
Raid Damage:
  • You can get frozen to the ground via Freezing Ground. This is a magic effect, and supposedly can be dispelled, but I was unable to dispel magic on it. Try mass dispel. You really don't want to be stuck to the ground because...
  • Every so often Toravon will summon "adds" which are actually Frozen Orbs that do a lot of AoE damage. All ranged need to stop anything they are doing, even if they are midcast on the boss, and take the Frozen Orbs out. You can see where they will spawn due to small white rings on the floor - this is why you don't want to be frozen in place when they spawn - you want to GTFO asap.
  • Every so often, everyone will take damage from Whiteout. This acts as a soft enrage timer, and also means that Frost Resist is king here.

So in short?

  • Two tank fight, swap on five stacks, but both tanks will need constant healing.
  • Frost Resist aura or Totem.
  • DPS needs to prioritize burning down adds.
  • Move away from adds, and dispel people out of Freezing Ground so that they too can move.
  • AoE heals after Whiteout and when adds are up. (Shield spamming is good here too!)

Expect puggers to ditch the group after Toravon has been killed, though you might want to try asking before any bosses that people stay.


According to Bornakk, Toravon will not be dropping all the tier items, just gloves and legs, as well as the PvP boots and belt. Oh, and don't forget them Frost Emblems!
2 Responses
  1. Tiex Says:

    Wootz, took him down in 10 and 25 yesterday =D

    I did try mass dispel, works like a charm! (especially if you are disc and can throw it out almost instantly) ;)

    Luckily I was the only priest in the 10 and 25 men runs and I got the 2nd tier 10 gloves. A shame it was for the shadow set... Now I have better gloves in my offspec than in my mainspec. =/

    This fight is especially good to heal with druids, since you can "band-aid" everyone while they play a lovely game of filling green bars ;)

  2. Anonymous Says:

    "You can get frozen to the ground via Freezing Ground. This is a magic effect, and supposedly can be dispelled, but I was unable to dispel magic on it. Try mass dispel. You really don't want to be stuck to the ground because..."

    I did this last night and the Pally dispell removed the ice.

    Defiantly a DPS check here which will be a shock for puggers who are not pulling over 3K DPS.

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